Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just a note of thanks

Just another note...I wanted to say thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers that have gone out to our family over the past month. We have all had difficult days, but I know that eventually the hard times will pass. We have such a GREAT family that it's impossible not to smile. I'm glad I have been lucky enough these past few months to be with everyone down home.

McDaniel Family Reunion

Paw Paw's family reunion was a couple of weeks ago.
Jacob and I went and had a good time. There were a few
people missing this year, but it was good to see
everyone. Jacob likes getting a lot of extra
attention, and I like other people giving it to him!!

It was good to see Diane again. We don't see everyone
enough, but we all do what we can. Maybe next year
some of the chairs will be better suited for us! (you gotta laugh, Diane)
Uncle Cloyce likes giving Jacob things to drink that
he isn't supposed to have. He just tells Jacob to
not tell momma and they won't get in trouble! You
gotta love him!

Buffalo Park, Tupelo

When we were at home a couple of weeks ago, Dana
took me, Jacob, Lila, and Wendell to the Buffalo
Park in Tupelo. We had a great time. Jacob didn't care
for feeding the giraffe. He said his tongue was too
long and slimy! However, he and his Paw Paw Wendell
had a blast feeding the goats and ponies!

Buffalo Park, Tupelo, MS

Dana took this picture for daddy since he had to stay home.
This train took us through the park. Jacob
loved seeing all the buffalo. There were also
donkeys and camels. Of course, the train itself
was also a big hit!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Just a note....

It's been a while since our last post. We have had so much going on in the past month that I got behind. It's been long and rough here, but we have a lot of pictures for everyone to see! Our little man is 4 1/2 and getting bigger so fast. But he is still what keeps us going and keeps us smiling! It is such a blessing to us to have him and to see his beautiful smiling face everyday! Even though he tries our patience (everyday), he is what makes the world go 'round! Happy mother's day to everyone! ----Beth

Evening at the park/river

It was such a beautiful day. We spent a couple of hours
at the park. We had a picnic supper, then Jacob
played on the playground. He threw rocks in the water and
watched all the geese. He needed a looong bath when
we finally got home. Daddy - "Hunka hunka burnin' love"
was the song of choice during tonight's bath!

Daddy's little helper

Jacob helped Tony wash the truck today. They did
a pretty good job! Maybe they will do my car next...

Long day at school

This is what happens if he sits down for two minutes
after a long, hard day at school! First time he fell asleep
with daddy since he was 2 years old!

New Thomas pj's!

Jacob wanted a silly face pic with his new Thomas pjs!
He's still a cutie!!

Hank Williams, Jr

Me and Tony went to see 38 Special, Hank Jr, and
Lynard Skynard in Indianapolis! It was an absolute blast! NEARLY 30
years old, and Hank is still my hero!