Sunday, January 27, 2008

Soccer practice

Jacob is learning to play soccer! And trying to learn to
follow directions! Each week he does better. He has
such a great time kicking the ball as hard as he can!

Another snow storm

Another day spent cleaning up the driveway. Tony runs
the snow blower while Jacob shovels the porch, while
momma takes the pictures from the garage! (I love my job)

Santa came!!

Jacob had a great Christmas this year! Santa brought so
much...pinball machine, power rangers, spiderman, more
power rangers....The looks of surprise and shear joy
is what we look forward to.

Christmas at Granny's and Grandpa's

We didn't take many pics this year, but Dana got stuff for
a house that she doesn't have yet; momma got a
palm pilot; daddy got a banjo; I got a bunch of bath
stuff....Jacob got everything else (including two race
cars for him and Tony)

Our snowball fight!

We bundled up for the first snow of the season before Christmas
and Jacob learned how to have a snowball fight! Sometimes,
I had to help him make his snowball so he could hit me.

Christmas program at school

Jacob's Christmas program was great! He looked so
handsome! Each class sang a few songs, then Jacob
had a solo!! Our baby sang "All I want for Christmas
is My Two Front Teeth". He did an awesome job in is
first solo! We were so proud!

Decorating the trees

Jacob always has a good time decorating his own tree.
This year, he wanted it in his room. He kept it watered and
sometimes he even snuck a bite of the candy canes!