Monday, July 23, 2007


This past weekend, me and Tony hosted a little picnic
for a few of our friends. We rented a pavillion at a great
park and grilled hotdogs and ate and chatted all
afternoon. Some played horseshoes, the kids played
on the playground, and the rest just yakked all day.

Sandy, Stephanie, Nikki and Kevin just shootin' the bull.
What interesting conversations we had! I learned a lot!

Jacob, Brooke and Michael spent a lot of time on the playground.

Not too sure what Jeff was doing. Looks to just be hanging around!

I think Jeff won all the horseshoe games. Tony had fun anyway:)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sound asleep

I don't know how he ended up going to sleep like this! He's
so restless. Must get that from daddy...

Daddy's little helper

We've had such a busy summer so far that we haven't had
a chance to go camping yet. We finally got a weekend
with no plans, so in a couple of weeks we get to go! Jacob
can't wait. He helped daddy Friday night get the tent up
in the back yard. Then of course, they "camped" in the
yard Friday and Saturday night. Jacob had a blast sleeping
in the tent with "just daddy...momma can stay in the house
so we can just hang out together"!

After the tent was up, Jacob spent the rest of
the evening on his swingset. He doesn't always
want to swing on his bottom, either. Kinda like
the slide!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Momma's cutie pie!

Jacob wanted to take a picture by my yellow daisies because
he has a yellow shirt. See, he is learning to match!

Playing cars with daddy

Jacob likes playing cars on the glass tabletop downstairs.
He and Tony spent a lot of time racing today. "It was so AWESOME"!

I believe these last two pictures are Jacob's car winning. He
either wins, or decides he's not ready to play yet!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Every year on the 4th we go to Saugatuck, Mi for the parade

and shopping. Here are a few pics from this year.

Daddy, Dana, and momma posing for a pic! Beautiful!

Jacob flying around waiting for the parade.

Me, momma and Dana in the garden.

Aren't we beautiful!

Dana and John. Aren't they cute!

Waiting to watch fireworks

We went to the hanger to watch fireworks Tuesday night.
Jacob loved seeing the plane. Daddy showed him the outside
of the plane and Aunt Dana sat with him inside. He
thought it was so cool!

Playing at the park with Aunt Dana and John

Before watching fireworks in Niles, we all walked down
to the park. Me and Dana and John all played with
Jacob on the slides. We each took a turn going down.
We decided some of us was too old to go down the slide
without it hurting!

4th of July parade at school

Jacob had a parade at school on Tuesday. Each class
made their decorations at marched in the parade. It
was great. They even had a police car and fire truck
there. All the kids that wanted to got to sit in the big truck!

Granny's house

Aunt Dana came to visit us this week. So I have several
posts from her visit. Here, she is watching Ninja Turtles
with Jacob before bedtime at Grannys.

Grandpa is ready for bed! Jacob is on "kiddie crack"! It
is way past his bedtime!