Sunday, September 30, 2007

Apple Festival

This past weekend was the Apple Festival in Niles. We wait all year for this festival. They have good carnival rides and awesome food! Corn on the cob dipped in a jar of butter....pork chop dumplings (Tony's favorite). This was the first year Jacob could ride most everything. What a difference a year makes! Granny and Grandpa even rode some! Oh, me and Tony rode the zipper! I don't know who all remembers that ride, but I decided I was about too old for those kind of rides! Jacob said maybe he could ride that when he gets 20! Anyway, the following pictures are from our day. We had an absolute blast!

Good time at the Apple Festival

Bungee jumping at it's best! Jacob liked jumping on the trampolines.
I liked that he stayed attached to cables while he was airborn!

Here we have the huge Shark slide! (notice how he slides down)
This "ride" does not give momma and granny a heart attack!

I decided to brave the ferris wheel with Jacob. Now, I do not
have a problem being on the ferris wheel. I have a problem
with Jacob being on it. But oh my goodness...He saw this and
just had to ride it! When we got stopped at the very top (of course),
daddy took a pic of Jacob waving to him, and granny and grandpa.
Granny is near heart attack conditions now.

Kid's fun house. This gives all us heart patients a break. All
you do on this "ride" is go through the fun house and slide. Nice
and safe fun for all. This however, was not as big a thrill for Jacob
as the roller coaster and ferris wheel. But he did like it a lot.

This ride with daddy pretty much spins really fast!

Jacob's first roller coaster was a blast! He absolutely loved it.
He could go really fast and ride it all by himself!

Time for a lunch break! Talk about great corn!

End of the apple festival. Sleep where you land!

Momma's sleeping angel

He just looked to peaceful for words. It's not very often we
catch him sleeping on his pillow and not sprawled out backwards!

Kitchen helper

Jacob decided to help make spaghetti. He put all the noodles
in the pot of water without making a mess. However, when it
came time to mix the sauce, he had moved on to something else.
He loves to help, but I guess I didn't get things going fast enough.

Just chillin'

Jacob decided to make a pallet and kick back to listen
to some tunes. He enjoys being able to load cd's and dvd's
himself on the portable dvd/cd player.