Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm behind!!!!

Hello, all! I have been way behind in posting updates! Go figure that I would get lazy! We have had a lot going on lately. Jacob had a great birthday party at the end of October. Aunt Dana and John came up for it. (of course they aren't in any of the pictures, because I suck at making sure I get pics of everyone)! Halloween was fun, too. We had nice weather for trick or treat. We went South for the week of Thanksgiving. It was a short, hectic trip. We spent a few days with Nanny and Paw Paw in Albertville but didn't really go visit with anyone. Jacob had not seen Nanny this year except once or twice, so we stayed with them for the most part. The end of the week was in Vernon/Columbus with maw and paw's bunch. Anyway, I hope to keep the site updated a little better now. Hope everyone is doing great and we love you all and miss you lots.

By the way.....CONGRATS to Melissa and Jason! Hope all is going great! I also want to say congrats to April on her recent marriage. I hate that I had to miss it, but wish you great happiness!!

Jacob's tree

Jacob loves picking out his own tree. This year, Tony even
let him help saw it down and drag it off.

Proud of the finished product that sits in his room!

Christmas tree farm

Every year we go to a tree farm up here to pick out and cut
our perfect (semi-perfect) tree. Jacob helped as much as he could
but he learned that there wasn't much for him to do but watch.
He did get to talk to Mr and Mrs Claus, which was a hit!

After finally getting the tree cut, Tony and Jacob hauled it
to the boys so they could wrap it for us. I assume it was a
little heavy, but since I was taking pictures, I didn't participate
in the labor part of the day.

Jacob was surprised to see Santa here today!

Hangin' out at home

Nanny's house

Jacob loves helping us make dressing. His favorite part is
eating the cornbread as he crumbles it!

Nanny did get to take a break ocassionally!

Nanny learned that Jacob can exhaust the adults, too.
Especially when your not used to a very active 5 yr old.

Nanny let Jacob help make a fruit salad. He is a great
help in the kitchen.

Paw Paw Wendell helped tire Jacob out before bedtime.

We all get some "downtime" when he wants to play games
on the computer.

Noccolula Falls

We went to Gadsden for Jacob to play while we were home for
Thanksgiving. It was a short visit, but we had fun visiting
Nanny and Paw Paw Wendell.

Yard work

Jacob is always asking for something to do to "help". So we
put him to work. We had some small trees and bushes that
needed to go this year. So Tony cut them down and Jacob drug
them to the front to be chipped. He was quite tired when we
were done, but he loved helping.

5 year pictures

This round of pictures proved to be very difficult!
Jacob had no desire to do pictures this time! I am
very happy that we got the pic with Granny!


Jacob was a power ranger this year. He was too cute! Granny
always has a special goody bag of treats for him before
he goes trick or treating.

He loves to help Grandpa hand out candy when he's done
walking the neighborhood

Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese

Jacob celebrated his 5th birthday with Chucky and friends.
It was a big hit! He picked out the hotwheels cake and the
cars that he wanted on it. We had a blast!