Monday, August 11, 2008


Once again I fell behind on my posting! Didn't we all know that I would! Anyway, I put a few pics on here and will try to keep up better in the future!! Jacob starts kindergarten next week and he is so excited! I hope everyone is doing great! We love and miss everyone down home!

Diane, I need to make you a cd with the reunion pics, but you need to email me your mailing address (again)

Melissa--hope all is great with your bunch! Tell everyone hello!

Amy---I don't know your work schedule right now, so call me when you get a chance! I don't want to call you when you're asleep!

Aunt Lisa---Jacob is still ready to go to "Flada" to be with Lauren!! We love ya'll!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Please continue to post as often as you can! I love to hear about what is happening in your lives! I am very upset though to know that you were in town and didn't let me know.
I hope all is well and that Jacob is enjoying kindergarten. Emma is having a great time!
Keep in touch and tell everyone that we said hello!
Love ya,